History of Twin Bay Resort

The history of Twin Bay Resort is rooted in strong family values and faith in God. Our parents, Oscar and Jean Beatty, believed in strong work ethics, a healthy lifestyle, sharing and caring for others, and the management and wise use of our natural resources and beautiful land, They raised all of us (13 children) on the trap line and fishing camps. To this day, some of us maintain that traditional lifestyle, fishing and trapping, and just enjoying nature at our cabins. Our late father believed in community development, establishing the Ossey Fishers Co-op more than 65 years ago, which still provides employment to local fishers today. Our mother was the first woman to get her commercial fishing license.

Our parents believed in formal education, but not at the expense of losing our culture. Managing our natural resources, a managed fishery, and using only what you need for food was always important. We encourage recycling and catch and release fishing.

We honour the legacy of our parents. Twin Bay is locally owned and operated since 1987. Twin Bay Resort is a small camp that offers a quiet, relaxing and friendly atmosphere. We offer personalized service, warm hospitality and clean, modern conveniences. We do not sell alcohol or cigarettes at our establishment. We strive to create a welcoming atmosphere that allows our guests to feel comfortable and to consider Twin Bay Resort as their home away from home. We want this to be a place where you can come to rest, enjoy quiet reflection and to have fun fishing.

To learn more and book your stay, be sure to contact us today.


Twin Bay Resort Ltd Phone: 306-632-4767 info@twinbayresort.ca
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